Klawchat 11/10/16
My possessions are causing me suspicion, but there's no proof. Klawchat.
Favorite Metal album this year? I'm leaning towards Dillinger Escape Plan or Nails, but I know my tastes tend to skew heavier than yours. Always appreciate the work.
Might be Dark Tranquility's Atoma or Omnium Gatherum's Grey Heavens.

The Trump take on climate change is number ___ on the list of reasons to be scared
I guess it depends on who and where you are, but the environment in general is my personal number one fear (in terms of direct impact on me or my family).

What do you think Bryce Harper's true talent level is?
When healthy, he's a 7-8 win player at least.

Kyle KS
Is Dexter Fowler's performance both offensively and defensively likely to be repeated? Does he have the ability to stay in CF over the life of a 3-5 year contract?
Doubt he stays there 5 years, would bet on him staying there 3. Seemed to really come around as a hitter the last two years out of Denver.

Is Gausman breaking out or lucky sample size in the second half for a guy with really only 2 pitches?
I think he's for real.

Did the Cubs winning the WS bring about the end of the universe or is it just a symptom of same?
It's a series of unfortunate events. (I kid, Chicago.)

Does Devers absolute upside look something like Adrian Beltre?
Nothing like that on defense. Offense, maybe, but Devers might have a chance to be a little more disciplined at a younger age than Beltre.

Frank the Clown
Is insight into why Wren did not get the GM job in Boston? So many writers like Bob Nightengay said Frank was the clear leader should be a sure bet for the position especially considering he is buddies with Dumbrowski.
Don't think those claims were ever accurate.

Baez just showed both extremes in the playoffs. Do you hold out hope that he develops consistency?
I think consistency is the least likely outcome. I would hope for more highs and fewer lows. His approach went to shit in the World Series.

Keith, any recommendations for sources of recipies that are designed to help kids who are picky eaters? A book on how to think about this as a parent would be helpful, too. Thanks.
Two suggestions. One, when my daughter was younger I found that cooking vegetables with high heat, such as roasting at 450 or 475, so the sugars in them started to caramelize (brown) made her like them more. They end up sweeter and less bitter. The other is to consider making sauces that work with vegetables and that your kids like. My daughter liked the flavor of lemon early on, so I still to this day add lemon juice to lots of sauces, and often will make something more complicated like a lemon beurre blanc specifically because she likes it.

let's just say you're a senate democrat, what's the strategy right now? do you blow up the filibuster and pass through Merrick Garland in the lame duck but then give the GOP carte blanche to do whatever they want? or do you let Trump pick the SCOTUS nominee he wants? also, since the GOP over the last 8 years proved kicking, screaming and denying the legitimacy of the president works - you should just oppose anything Trump proposes, right?!
I favor the latter approach, which Al Franken said on MSNBC last night is his plan as well. Fight like hell. Don't help them.

Asking early due to meetings - Tea leaves seem to say that Cutch is available. Astros seem like a good fit and they have prospects. Who should the Pirates look to get back?
He's been available since the summer, but it's been kind of quiet publicly. I think you'll see a dozen teams interested given his age, history, and contract. That's a three-prospect deal for me - three real prospects, plus maybe something else, but I'd be shooting for multiple high-impact prospects to get enough value and diversify the risk a little.

I have heard and seen plenty of people label anyone who voted for Trump racist, sexist and xenophobic. Definition of a strawman right? I tend to believe 60 million people are not that but care about other issues and want the Republicans in charge for other reasons then to ban the Muslims and kick out the Mexicans (which if you're being logical he can yell all about but constitutionally will not be able to do). Full disclosure I didn't vote for either but the response to ALL Trump voters has me appalled for the country.
My wife and I have had this debate, in part while discussing the election with our daughter. My wife takes your side - many people heard what they wanted from Trump, such as promises of jobs for the less-educated part of the workforce by bringing manufacturing back, and the other stuff didn't matter to them. I take the other side - a vote for him is tacit approval of the racism, the dog-whistling, the pandering, the outright harassment and mockery. You don't get to sever. It's why I was no longer a Bill Clinton supporter after his second term: I liked some of his policies, but lying under oath before a grand jury, even over a trivial matter, told me something about his character I could not accept or ignore.

If Gurriel was eligible for your list, would you consider him Houston's top prospect right now?
Yuliesky? He's 32. I could not compare him to a bunch of 20-22 year olds on a prospect ranking.

Who would you rather have over the course of their careers...Ozzie Albies or Travis Demeritte?
Albies. I know he can hit, and I believe he can play short or second.

Favorite (or least favorite) new MiLB team name - Fire Frogs, Jumbo Shrimp or Rumble Ponies?
Jumbo Shrimp is pretty bad, although when they say "batter up!" it'll be a Jacobi-level pun.

Odds of Trump getting impeached are?
Nil. The GOP controls the House.

It is extremely troubling to me that facts can be so willfully disregarded as to help elect a demagogue such as the one we’re getting, where a huge portion of this country will only believe what they want to believe, feeding off from their isolated bubble of information. Not only that, but whatever is deemed fact outside of that bubble is considered false or even fabricated for the benefit of ideological gain. We are living in increasingly dangerous times, but we need more voices like you, Keith, who will denounce those who choose to be infected by this awful ignorance.
We live in a world where people in power - and something like half the country - denies the facts of climate change. Some similar portion of the populace denies that we evolved from lower life forms. A small fraction deny that vaccines are safe and effective and actively court ways around laws designed to make the public safe. You know how that happens? When those of us - teachers, politicians, the media - who have the chance to disseminate information play the game of false balance. I'll take the hit to my career I get from dealing strictly in facts.

Do you have any tattoos? Curious what they are if so. Admittedly an awfully personal question!
Nope. Never had any interest. I wouldn't judge anyone who has them, but I don't want ink on me.

Hi Keith, On the International signing mess , why not give each team a certain amount they can spend , say 10M. If a team wanted to spend more they could buy some of another teams 4M for the same amount. So say the Dodgers want to add , they could buy 2M from the Twins and pay them 2M .The Twins would then have the Dodgers paying for their signings plus their own. There would have to be some kind of cap on how much each team could add or subtract.
I think the fear there is some owners would just sell everything they could and punt the international market. Whatever your cap is, there would be a Loria type who would just sell it and pocket the profits every year. Maybe Liberty would do that, since the expected ROI on a million bucks in international amateur free agency is somewhere between "hard to calculate" and "who the hell knows."

Tell me why it's all gonna be all right, Keith. Please.
Oh, I don't think it is.

Where would you slot Taijuan Walker into your rotation/bullpen to start 2017? I know you've been critical of his development in the past. What steps would you take to salvage a potential career as a SP for him, if you ran things for the Ms?
If this is it with him, no more mechanical or pitch changes, then I'd put him in the bullpen as a long man to start the year and adjust his role by how he pitches, probably into a higher-leverage relief role. If there's still time to change him, though, I'd try to get him back to the longer stride he had in 2012 or so, so that his fastball isn't ending up belt-high so often.

Hi Keith,
Who do you think will accept their QO and who do you think should accept it?
Hellickson or Walker might. Walker's depends on his back. Trumbo ... he will probably get more than that in free agency, but there's no way I'd give him close to that much. I think everyone else declines.

What’s your least favorite part of your job? I don’t mean things like travel or time away from your family, but rather a specific event you don’t like to cover or article you have to write or people you have to deal with.
That's a good question. Most of the stuff I hated doing, like the old, long previews of each playoff series, are gone. Now it's more about writing when I don't feel the spark - sometimes I have to react to a bit of news, but I don't really have a strong opinion that I can back up sufficiently with data or historical examples, and then I feel like I'm dancing on the hot-takes line. I don't want to do that; I have strong opinions naturally, so I don't ever want to feel like I'm faking it in any way.

My friends are convinced that WAR is a "made up stat" that front offices don't use. How different is the WAR that front offices use and what we see on Fangraphs/BR?
Front offices use WAR. They use their own formulas for the components, but multiple front office people, from GMs to analytics directors, have said to me directly that they value player performance by comparing total production to replacement level.

What do you think about the Bud Black hiring? You said last week that Colorado should interview Cora….do you know if they even did before choosing Black?
Black is a solid choice. He was good in San Diego, with some drawbacks. Denver is a real challenge for any manager, though, and I don't know what specifically about him might be a good fit there. I don't think Alex was interviewed.

I've felt unhappy on and off for some time and imagine it falls on the depression spectrum, but haven't seen a therapist before. The act of seeking one out and talking to someone for the first time is daunting - and frankly, I don't think I want to "admit" I can't "fix" this on my own. Do you have any advice?
I promise you that after one session with a (good) therapist the mental obstacles you describe will start to dissolve. It feels good to vocalize some of what you're feeling and have someone make sense of it for you. Just go.

With the rumors that Kendrick could be shipped out of LA -Can Willie Calhoun make enough contact and play passable defense to have an impact for the Dodgers in 2017?
I don't think he can play 2b at all.

What do you reckon the smart plays are for the Cubs this offseason? Let Heyward play center and hope Soler rebuilds his value in right? Sign Hill and Jansen to replace Hammel and Chapman?
I wrote about their situation in some of the buyers' guides that will run this weekend, but I think Soler might be on the trade block regardless. I would try Heyward in CF if Fowler doesn't come back, though.

Is it just me, or is Pence almost more concerning than Trump? I mean, Trump is unpredictable and could flip on issues tomorrow. There's no guessing what Trump really thinks. But it's always been clear what Pence believes and none of it is good.
Pence still believes you can "convert" gay people to straight. This is arrant nonsense, the American Psychiatric Association opposes it, and it may increase the risk of suicide for these folks. If that doesn't scare you, you may have no empathy whatsoever.

What are the chances Otani is posted and comes over? What is his long-term outlook?
I'm betting it's after next year. Number one starter. Not a position player here.

What did you think about that Game Seven? Have you ever seen a wilder deciding game?
The only one I could think of was 2001. Game 6 in 1986 had as much drama but wasn't the winner-take-all game.

Keith - thanks for all the great work; very excited to read your book once it's ready. How do you see Addison Russell developing over the next few years? Specifically, will the bat continue to grow?
I think he's going to be a star. I'd be very surprised if he didn't improve his contact rate starting this year.

Do you think it will be hard for Dickey to transition back to the NL?
Nah, the hard part for him is going to be that he's just not that good any more.

Hi Keith, do you think that a position switch of Carlos Correa to 3B is inevitable? If so, do you expect it to happen this upcoming season?
I think it is optimal, but the club has to make the decision now and get him to agree it's for the best.

Bertil from Sweden
Do you think Astros should switch Correa and Bergman during the offseason?
Yes, that was my implication just now - Bregman plays short. (I do like that the guy from Sweden wrote "Bergman," though!)

Who are some of your favorite baseball writers? You can answer Keith Law if you want, I won't tell.
No, not Keith Law, that guy's an asshole.

I come to you for answers about life and baseball. This is about life. I've been having a hard time dealing with the election and have welcomed all forms of humor as a way to make me feel slightly better. On that note, please feel free to weigh in on a decade-old debate I've had with friends. Why are farts so funny?
Because bodily functions are embarrassing. It's why grown-ups still giggle at sexual innuendo. And lest anyone think I'm saying I'm above this, I remember being in the visitors' clubhouse at Fenway Park around 2003 or so and laughing so hard I couldn't breathe because Bobby Kielty was in the can and you would have thought he had 76 trombones in there with him.

Clarence(not M. Diamond)
No question, just wanted to say that if someone were to make a playlist of the various songs you reference at the beginning of each chat, that person would have a baller, and eclectic, set to listen to.
Funny you say that - I've contemplated doing so for a while but I always get sucked into other stuff when I sit down at the computer. It would be a weird-ass mix though.

What would it take for the Cardinals to get Simmons away from the Angels? And would he make sense, moving Diaz over to 2B?
No chance right now. Angels are trying to win with Trout.

The Braves have been on a two year odyssey to bring in as much pitching as possible because: the 90s. After watching the Cub's run, should the Braves have chosen instead to focus more on position players to build the championship team?
Well at some point you have to cash in some pitching for bats. This might be a good time for it. If they called Pittsburgh on Cutch, they could put something pretty compelling together. Or perhaps Arenado, who has a little more team control left, and 3b is a gigantic void in Atlanta anyway.

Enzo Amore
If you were Muslim, how strongly would you consider leaving the country?
The whole bit about leaving the country, and celebs threatening to do so, is that this is not a costless transaction. If I had, say, dual citizenship in Italy (I could have, had my late grandfather gotten it for my mom, since he was born there), and decided, the hell with this, I'm outta here, I would have to sell my house and many of my material possessions; secure whatever documentation was necessary for my wife and daughter to live in Italy, and for myself and perhaps my wife to work there; to ensure I had sufficient savings and/or income to travel there, and probably travel back here to see my entire family as well as my wife's; and find an entirely new job because I don't think I could do this one while sitting at a cafe on the Palio in Siena. So while I want to say, yeah, I'd be terrified for me and my kids now that Trump has won and the neo-Nazis who endorsed him are feeling empowered, it's just not that easy to pick up and leave.

A few months ago, you recommended the parenting book you read while your daughter was young. Could you share the title again. Thanks
The Happiest Baby on the Block.

Kilgore Trout
'A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it." - Max Planck............When climate denialists die off, will it be to late?
Yes, if we wait that long, the earth's climate will have changed to a grave extent.

What motivated you to get a puppy? How has it been getting it to adjust to the cats and vice versa?
My wife wanted one, and we had friends who needed to give this dog up because the dad was wildly allergic to her. Bella, the dog, thinks the cats are fun and likes the chase them. They do not share her enthusiasm.

Uncle Jimbo
How does your two round international draft suggestion benefit the player as compared to the current system?
If the dollar values per pick are set appropriately high, it should ensure that they're getting closer to their maximum value on draft day (instead of a deal they're locked into a year ahead of time) and they're no longer at the mercy of verbal agreements the teams can break. (Teams get the same protection.) Players would be best off in a totally open bidding market on draft day, but that never existed and I doubt it ever will.

Have you heard of the term Faithless Elector? Basically a member of the EC can refuse to vote for the person that was elected to office. Is it a possible out, or are we really screwed with Trump?
Yes, it's possible. The EC has never gone against the results of the vote, and I don't believe it's going to happen now, even with the popular vote going towards Hillary. If it did, we might have armed insurrection, which isn't an argument against it but is a consequence to consider.

There's already talk of sending McCann to Houston, but if they pair him with Gardner w a middling prospect to the Astros, or another team like CWS or Wash with both C and leadoff CF needs, could it net them McCullers, Rodon, or Joe Ross?
I doubt that would return any of those arms, who are all high-ceiling guys who make no money.

Do you think Adam Brett Walker or Daniel Palka can overcome all the strikeouts to become MLB regulars for the Twins?
No, I don't, especially not Walker.

The major league minimum salary is $507,500. Players can be paid that for up to 3 years. Josh Reddick and Michael Saunders, two good but not great corner OFs will be paid over $10 million per year. If I'm a member of the MLBPA and want to protect established major league players, over minor league guys (which has been proven over every single negotiation that screwing over non MLB guys is totally fine), wouldn't raising that minimum and getting to arbitration faster be my main goal?
If you ask me one thing I am certain will be in the new CBA, it is a large raise in the minimum salary, to something like $800K a year or more.
