Klawchat 12/22/16
Bow down before the one you serve. Klawchat.
Over/Under 3 division titles for Cubs in next 3 years?
Pretty sure "under" is the safe bet on that one. You can build the best team in history on paper, but you can't control for injuries, non-performance, or, say, the Pirates collectively having career years and slipping past you.

So, after the bizarrely affordable Nova signing, do the Pirates still have a series of blockbuster moves ahead of them? Acquire Quintana, deal McCutchen?
I'd like to see them do that, if possible - trade Cutch now if a strong offer comes in, because his value will be lower next winter, and of course I'm a big Q fan. Those moves probably make them a 90-win team again, no?

Suggestions for an aspiring baseball nerd who has yet to grasp advanced defensive metrics and statistics?
I heard about this book called Smart Baseball that's coming out in April. You should check it out. The writer's a funny guy.

Matt T
Idk if you have in the past, but if offered a chance for a book signing, would you ever do it? I'd love to get your autograph. Been a huge fan of yours for awhile
Yes. If Harper Collins doesn't have me to do a full book tour, we'll still do some ad hoc events around my spring travel. Also, I have confirmed there will be an audiobook version of Smart Baseball.

Any thoughts on Jason Hewyards new swing?
Any thoughts today would be pure piffle. Let's see it against live pitching before we think anything of it.

My girlfriend gets bored with board games to the point that she tries to lose on purpose so she can stop playing. What game(s) would you recommend for a smart, creative, and historically-bored-with-board-games person? If possible, something that works as a two player? Thanks!
I'd say stick to games that play well in 30 minutes or less. 7 Ronin. 7 Wonders Duel (no connection). Patchwork. Jaipur might be too light, but it plays very fast. I put a whole list of the best two-player games at the bottom of my top 100: http://klaw.me/2eD5Brb

Do you see Cody Sedlock starting in high A next season ?
I would expect him to, yes. He's polished enough.

How high of a ceiling do you see for Delvin Perez?
True ceiling, all-star regular at short. Probability of that, maybe 10%.

Are there any dishes that you never get at a restaurant because you can make it easily/better? Any that are so time-consuming to make at home that you never make them and just get them at restaurants?
I don't order pasta dishes in restaurants unless the pasta is freshly made, and you won't see me order something like pasta alla carbonara for that same reason. Long-cooked dishes like brisket (smoked or braised), pot roast, etc. are easy choices for me at restaurants because of the time required. I also eat more seafood out because I can't cook shellfish at home (wife is allergic) and don't cook much regular seafood either.

Do you see Dakota Hudson as a high potential guy?
High ceiling? no. Move fast, get him to the rotation soon to extract value, mid-rotation upside.

Michael nuno
Your thoughts on Thomas Szapucki. What's his ipside ?
Probably a number two. Well above-average starter.

What's on the menu for Xmas Eve, Xmas day at Casa Klaw?
Nothing special on Christmas eve. Going to do a roast pork shoulder on Christmas day.

Head Like a Hole. If 1st round draft picks were fully tradable, what kind of Major League talent would s straight up trade for a first round pick bring? Obviously, the higher the selection, and the more deep the draft pool the better, how much contract control is left for the Najor Leaguer(s) involved, etc. But any general sense what a first round draft pick is worth in terms of Major League talent?
Depends on the pick, too, but a top 10 pick should return an average regular with a few years of control. The expected return on a pick that high probably is less than that in terms of annual production, but it comes with six years of control, three of them (or three-plus) at the minimum salary.

John Wick
What do you see as Kyle Tucker's upside? Would he be a sticking point for you in a Quintana deal?
I'm a fan, think he's at least an above-average regular in a corner who hits for average with power, but if he's the best player in the deal, I'm OK with that for Houston, because Q is an ace.

Do Alex Faedo and Kyle Wright have TOR type potential?
Yes, Wright more than Faedo for me. They are the only college starters in this class I'd say have that potential. Houck looks like a reliever. Lange doesn't have this stuff. Bukauskus has ace stuff but he's a six foot RHP with some effort.

Keith, I truly appreciate your work. Good stuff. Thank you. Now what do you think about Bud Selig being elected to the Hall of Fame? Don't you think there's a bit of hypocracy there considering voters have decided not to let players connected to steroids into the hall? Seelig turned a blind eye to all of it so that baseball could profit. Also, his ideas on how to implement instant replay (4 dude string around waiting to talk to someone in a remote location) and the all-star game winner gets home field advantage were absolutely garbage. Yeah he made
MLB a lot of money but is anyone considering the opportunity cost of what could have been. Baseball is truly regional (root for the home team) in that hardly anyone on the east coast knows who Mike Trout is. Thoughts?
Absolute joke. It's a big baseball circle-jerk. But I think it has opened the door for writers to vote for Bonds, Clemens, and even suspected-without-evidence PED guys to get in. So that's good. But let's not normalize Selig's reign. He shut the sport down in '94. He colluded against free agents in the 1980s. He ran players and the sport down for most of the first decade of the century, caved to Congressional pressure, and instituted policies (e.g., HGH testing) that have delivered no tangible benefit to the sport. The industry thrived under him, and he gets some (but not all) credit for that, but don't forget the harm he did first to put baseball in the position in which he found it.

Any thoughts on Josh Tobias, the player acquired in the Clay Buchholz trade? Does he have any upside, or is he just a warm body to complete the salary dump?
I wrote that deal up the other day: http://klaw.me/2hWPF68

How is Joe Mixon not in jail?
Because he's good at hand-egg. Better question: How is Stoops or the Oklahoma athletic director still employed?

Happy Holidays to you and your family KLaw! Thank you for always being accessible and answering questions via multi-mediums!
Curious, what kept Patch The Sky off of the top 10 (or expanding the 10 to 11)? I know you loved the three song romp that opens the record...did the back half drop off that much for you?
Found it kind of repetitive after that. Not bad, certainly, but I felt like I was listening to the same songs again. Had I gone to 16 albums as I originally intended it would have been on there.

Regarding your answer last week about relievers and the HOF - are you saying that Rivera should be the threshold for relievers to make it in?
I'm saying he's above the threshold, but no other modern reliever comes close to the threshold. There's an enormous gap between him and whoever you feel is #2 (Hoffman, Wagner, other).

In a year with more celebrity deaths than I can recall, was there a particular celebrity's passing that impacted you this year?
Prince, given his age, talent, and the fact that I have been a huge fan of his music, at least his peak output, for about 25 years.

Now that Ryan Howard, A-Rod, etc. are off the books, what's the worst contract in baseball right now? Cabrera? Pujols?
Probably Pujols. Not that productive, under contract forever. At least Miggy produces. Dark horse right now: Stanton. Can't earn that kind of coin if you're rarely healthy.

Ivan's a BUCKS-aneer
Not that he's so great, but I'm shocked Nova got so little guaranteed in this pitching market. Toronto's gamble with Happ paid off so well last year. Granted, he's a lefty & hadn't had TJ surgery, but I though Nova would at least match that pact, since so little pitching is available. I think this is a GREAT gamble for the Pirates to take. How do you feel?
I think so too. Between that and the bargain salary for Hudson, the Pirates have had a nice week working in a bad pitching market. I'd be very happy with these moves if I were a Pirates fan.

Hi Keith- what do you think of Marco Gonzales for the Cardinals going forward? Any chance he can stick as a starter or do you think he's a reliever post-injury?
Starter for me. Not sure what that looks like as a reliever - I don't think he's going to have better stuff in short stints; he's a fringy fastball, plus change, above avg CB guy, who'll have to work to the edges of the strike zone with his fastball. That's not the profile of a guy who'll be better as a reliever.

What would you do if you were the Orioles? Tear it down, make some incremental upgrades for the short term? The system is pretty barren and player development is lacking, so I'm worried about this being a messy rebuild like the Reds.
All in for 2017, then look at dealing Machado after the season. Or in July if things go really pear-shaped, which they might if Duquette can't find some starting pitching.

What is your favorite holiday movie?
Muppet Christmas Carol. We usually watch that, Holiday Inn (yes, the original cut), and White Christmas.

If you were suddenly instilled as GM of the Angels and if the owner said that he would accede to whatever vision you see for the team, would you trade Trout for a mega-package?
Yes. It's the best path back to contention for them. It's going to take a lot of time to rebuild that farm system to the point where they can field an organic contender around Trout.

Big Hen
unless the Mets get someone outside the org. isn't their best OF alignment, Yo-Lagares-Conforto from left to right? I get the skepticism but they can't play Grandy in CF and Bruce in RF, I will throw up.
If Lagares is healthy, yes, I agree with that. I see no role for Granderson or Bruce there at this point.

How do you think trump's predictably horrendous approval ratings will impact his decisions? On the one hand, he doesn't seem to care at all about keeping his word and doing what he promised. On the other, he is about as ego-driven as you can possibly be.
I don't do much in the way of political predictions anyway - I never predicted anything around the election or primaries, because WTF do I know - but I will predict this: Trump is and will remain unpredictable. I guess "mercurial" is the kind word. If the Republican party believes they can control him, I would predict that they'll be disappointed.

Last week you metionned briefly ordering mail-order coffee beans. Wouldnt lower quality but fresher beans rasted locally be better than older beans packed and shipped from across the country?
No, not if they're packed correctly, and I've learned that better quality beans benefit from a few days of rest after roasting, especially for pour-over or other drip coffee use.

I know you've had concerns about Austin Riley's bat speed. In the second half, his Ks went down a lot and he hit 17 homers while hitting .284. Did you hear anything that was encouraging on him, or are you still really down on him?
There's nothing different; he just hit better in a smaller sample. The default expectation for prospects who aren't promoted should be a better second half than first, because other prospects in the same league were promoted and, presumably, replaced with younger or lesser players. Sometimes that doesn't work out - guys get tired, play hurt, etc. - but it's a good starting point.

Marshall MN
Reports say the Trumbo offer was pulled by the Orioles, the rumored amount seemed really high anyway. I have a feeling internally that they are probably kicking themselves for not pulling their monstrous offer to Crush Davis last year as well. Why pay Trumbo $70 million when you could get a slightly downgraded version of him off the street for less money and less years?
Pretty sure the Davis thing came from Angelos, not Duquette. No way I'd pay Trumbo that when you can get the next Trumbo for essentially nothing - trading a possibly-racist backup catcher, or claiming a guy off waivers.

Acuna is triple slashing 375/446/556 in the ABL through 20 games. Is the ABL High A quality and if so could Acuna open up in AA and be a skip away from the big leagues despite the relatively few professional at bats?
ABL is below high-A quality. Maybe below low-A quality. But I like Acuna a lot anyway.

what did you think was the best and worst thing to come out of the new CBA?
I hate the international amateur system - the players blew that, they should have taken a draft - and that we don't have trading of draft picks. I like reducing the link between free agents and the draft, love the ban on hazing (duh), and love that the league is going to stop subsidizing Oakland. Move the team or sell it.

Jiminy Christmas
Michelle 2020? Warren 2020? Hanks 2020? Who would make you most excited?
Booker? I really don't know. Good chance it's no one on our radar now. The DNC's position that nothing is really wrong so let's keep all the same people doesn't give me a ton of hope.

I have a two hour flight tomorrow. Is there a recent collection of short stories you could recommend?
Edith Pearlman's Honeydew: http://klaw.me/1U2DPVD

I’ve been tasked with cooking the Christmas prime rib. I just got an Anova sous vide circulator and want to use it. The roast is 10 lbs, boneless, and I’m looking for medium rare. My thought is to cut it in half and put them in separate bags (to make it easier to handle), cook at 134 for about 6 hours, then finish in a 450 degree oven to brown it. Does that sound about right? Got any tips?
I have never cooked prime rib via any method, but my gut reaction reading this is that 134 then 450 oven is going to push you to medium. Also ensure you have some resting time, maybe 30 minutes, between the sous vide and the browning step.

Have you gained respect for anyone (in the public eye) you didn't expect to since the election? Lost any?
Lindsay Graham has been one of the few Republicans to continue to say anything at all against Trump, and while that's a low bar, I'm pretty impressed by his relative willingness to stand his ground.

seems like whoever inks EE for 3/$60M for DH-only duty will be pretty happy in 2017/2018, no?
I think so. If EE's agent is bluffing, as I kind of think he is, there's a little bargain potential there for a team with cash.

Can you win at this game:
a very fun game is "Vanderbilt baseball player or 2 Pottery Barn sofas?"
— Elaine Filadelfo (@ElaineF) October 4, 2016
Paxton Stover
Cameron English
York Turner
Penn Murfee
Drake Fellows
I think two of those are players. This isn't as fun as "Ikea item or death metal band," though.

Derrick Goold and Baseball America just put out the Cardinals top 10. I was surprised Jack Flaherty wasn't on it, but Goold did offer a solid explanation. Sounds like managers and coaches within the league just weren't that impressed. What are your thoughts? I was excited by the selection and he seemed to have success, but that's admittedly stat-lining.
That surprises me that he's not in their top 10, but I haven't done anything with their system yet, and as a general policy I don't criticize anyone else's lists. Usually I don't even mention other lists, but Derrick's a friend and knows that organization extremely well.

Brett Anderson as a 7th starter insurance is a better option than Brian Johnson/Henry Owens/Elias, right?
Yes. Most of Anderson's career, he's been good when healthy. I'd be fine giving him a deal where he gets like $500-700K a start or something. Like, here, you earn the minimum with your first start, and every additional start where we don't have to put you on the DL, here's another check. Not that I think he needs incentive - I've talked to Brett, it's not like he wants to get hurt - but it's totally reasonable to pay a good-when-healthy guy for how often he's healthy because you're probably both going to be happy with the return.

Any books for first time parents that you recommend? Thanks.
Happiest Baby on the Block.

Have you heard anything about Chesny Young in the Cubs system? Seems to be able to hit no matter where he goes...zero power an obvious issue. Is there a potential UTIL here, or just a AAAA guy?
No power indeed, don't see those guys much in the majors any more, think he sees the majors but would say 60/40 against him having any kind of role.

Klaw, please correct any portion of the following that I have wrong. Regarding Schilling, I think you have said in the past that you consider him a friend and that you would vote him into the Hall. I am all for his Hall candidacy, but a little surprised you would count him as a friend. Do you object to people that claim Curt is a bigot?
You're conflating a bunch of things here. Yes, Curt's a friend, and I get along very well with him. Yes, I would vote for him for the Hall, because I think his performance merits it, not because I know him. No, I do not object to people who call him a bigot, and I could not disagree with him more on pretty much anything on politics, race relations, LGBTQ rights, and so on. I can be friends with people I disagree with politically; we're friends with a family around here who are gun-toting, possibly survivalist Trump supporters. I wouldn't and don't support any of the stuff Curt has said about minority groups, and I said at the time I understood ESPN's decision completely.

Kyle KS
What is the appropriate punishment for college football players that act violently against women? Mixon would've been taken in by another college due to his talent. A lessor player would've been forgotten and no one would remember the consequence. The NFL tolerates players with recent incidents of violence in college like Tyreek Hill who was kicked off his team but has talent. Should the NFL go to a zero tolerance policy to take an actual stand against this behavior?
Zero tolerance policies are complicated, as many people have written recently, because taking away the livelihood of an abuser can make the victim, if she's still with him, worse off. However, for an individual school to say, we're revoking your scholarship because you hit a woman ... that's well within their rights, and they can certainly take a moral stand even if Mixon would end up playing for another school. Give the scholarship and the possibility of an education (ha!) to a more deserving person.

How annoying is it when you know you are going to be in a place where you will have some reading time (airplane, doctor's office, etc.) and then the person next to you tries to start a conversation while you are deep in your book. "what are you reading" "is it good" "what's it about." So annoying. I'm not anti-social, but I planned ahead and brought a book, so leave me alone.
It really depends. This happens to me a lot, of course, because I always have a book. Sometimes it's clear the person is just being kind and the smalltalk won't last. Sometimes the person really knows the book I'm reading, or is truly asking if it's worth reading. And I've had some wonderful, entirely serendipitous conversations because of stuff like that. If my gut reaction is that this person is a wacko, or going to be rude, or about to proselytize to me (that's happened a few times), then I try to polite close the conversation. But I try to at least start with the assumption that s/he doesn't realize s/he's being rude and go from there.

Tim (NJ)
We traditionally do a tenderloin for christmas - sear in pan, finish in oven (rosemary, mustard seeds, etc). Any recs/thoughts on how to spice it up?
Beef? Black pepper. Cloves. Garlic. Lots of garlic. I'm not a huge fan of beef - I'd choose pork over it every time - so I'm probably not the ideal person to ask. If it's not a short rib or a brisket, which are both good because they're fatty as hell, I'll have the pork shoulder, thanks.

do you do 'Elf on the Shelf' with your daughter?
No. That little fucker is creepy.

I sw you aren't doing a long write-up, but any quick thoughts on last week's episode of Top Chef?
Yes, I apologize for skipping last week but I will resume with tonight's episode. I thought it was bad TV, in a sense, that every dish was apparently good, and we didn't get a ton of explanation of why the guy who went home went home. Asking "did you make your own bread" seemed a bit of a stretch too - we almost never see anyone make his/her own bread on this show. Also, if every dish includes radishes, tell us more about how the chefs are cooking them, because that's something I have only eaten raw.
